Why minus * minus = positive

Have you ever asked the question “Why is minus * minus = a positive number?” If you did, you came to the right place. Before we talk about why minus * minus = a positive number, let’s talk about why minus * plus = a negative number so we can understand minus * minus better.

new doc 20_1

The only way for (-8*-7) +(-56)=0 to be true is that -8*-7 must equal 56. This technique  works with any number to find out why it is a positive number. I watched this video on Khan Academy to help me understand this topic better. I hope you now understood why negative * negative = positive.

Clicking on this link will take you to the video

Why do we love stories?

I recently learned about “Story and the Brain” from the introduction of “Brain Secrets” by Lisa Cron and the text “Leveraging the Human Brain’s Hunger for Story” by Doug Rekenthaler Jr. I will give you good advice from the texts to write a good story such as having a good framework, how conflict and hard-wired expectations are important, and to have a good protagonist.

The first advice that will help you to be a great writer is to have a good framework and hard-wired expectations. In Rekenthaler’s text, he talks about the Dramatic Arc by Gustav Freytag which is the framework. Rekenthaler says “German novelist, Gustav Freytag, who first tried to codify the storytelling process, which he labeled the ‘Dramatic Arc’ ” . The Dramatic Arc contains the exposition which is the beginning, rising action where the protagonist gets in the conflict, climax which is the peak of the conflict, falling action which is the resolution of the conflict, and the denouement where the story closes with peace. All the parts of the Dramatic Arc creates a conflict which releases the stress hormone cortisol and the empathetic hormone oxytocin. Both the chemicals together creates a potent neural chemical cocktail. In the text by Cron, she tells a story must have a framework. Cron says “there is an implicit framework that must underlie a story in order” . The framework is important because without the framework, you will make your story boring, and your audience will tune out which is the same thing as the Dramatic Arc. If you have the narrative path your story might be a best seller and you might be rich.  All in all, the framework is important because it creates conflicts which humans hunger for.

The second advice that will help you be a great writer is to have conflicts and hardwired expectations.  In Rekenthaler, he talks about how conflicts are important for a good story. Rekenthaler says  “Studies do and indeed confirm that our dreams are far more likely to be filled with conflict and difficulties than there sunnier opposites” . Conflicts are important because they make us feel empathy for the people who are in the conflict. In the story Ben which is about a three year old kid named Ben get brain cancer, and is about to die. Ben’s dad tries to enjoy his last moments of his son when he knows Ben’s going to die.  We feel empathy for Ben’s dad, which makes us one with the story. When Ben’s dad feels sad for the thought that his son will die, we feel sad.  Another example is when Cron says that we are meant for story. Cron says that “neuroscience reveals that our brain is hardwired to respond to story”. This explains that our brain is hardwired to respond to story because neuroscience reveals that we are meant to respond to story. If we see a story, we would get controlled by the story because our brain is hard-wired for story, so we get hooked to the book. All in all, conflict and hard-wired expectations is important for a good story.

My final advice is you need a good protagonist, which means the main character. Rekenthaler says that conflict makes us one with the protagonist. Rekenthaler says that cortisol and oxytocin together make you “not only focuses our attention on the plight of the story’s protagonist… we become one and the same with the story’s protagonist” . This shows the protagonist is important because if there is no protagonist, there will be no conflicts. As I said before, a story with no conflict will tune out your audience. Cron says that we feel the stuff that happens to the protagonist. Cron says that we will feel“ what the protagonist feels, experiencing it as if it were indeed happening to us” . This is important because if the protagonist gets hit, it feels like someone is hitting us. It also makes people not get distracted from the story, and if they see someone getting hit, they’ll try to stop it because they know what will happen. This makes us race ahead of the stories and we come up with conclusions. This is called ‘neural coupling’. They won’t want it to happen to someone else. This shows that the protagonist can rewire people’s brain. All in all, a story needs a protagonist because if it doesn’t have one, the story will have no conflict, and the audience will tune out.

Overall, to have a good story you need a good framework like the Dramatic Arc which contains the exposition which is the beginning, rising action where the protagonist gets in the conflict, climax which is the peak of the conflict, falling action which is the resolution of the conflict, and the denouement where the story closes with peace, a conflict, and hard-wired expectations to interest your audience and to rewire their brain, and a good protagonist to have a conflict and to rewire human brains like the conflict because they are part of the conflict. I hope you will follow these advices and become a bestselling author! Good Luck! I will buy your book!

Learning How to Learn

If you want to learn effectively, you should split your brain into two modes. The first mode is the focus mode. You use this mode to focus on ideas you know. If you run into a new idea or you get stuck with a problem, you use the diffuse mode which is a resting state. It is really important to go back and forth between the two modes. In real life, an engineer named Thomas Edison used this technique to make his inventions according to legend. If he got stuck, he would sit in a chair with ball bearings in his hands. He thinks about the problem and he accidentally slept. When he slept, the ball bearings would fall on the ground, which wakes him up, and he finds out a new idea, probably about his inventions.

This technique won’t work for some people because they procrastinate which is to do stuff tomorrow when it can be done today. People procrastinate because they will feel pain in the brain because they don’t want to do it. There are 3 ways to handle it. One is to work through it. In a few minutes, the pain will be gone. Another way is to think of something you like. The pain will go away and you will feel happy. The last way is the Pomodoro technique which starts with 25 minutes of focused work, and a few minutes of fun. Research shows that relaxation is important for learning.

You may feel abhor that people finish their work before you, and that you are too slow. Fortunately, the slower you do it, the deeper you will understand it, and you won’t jump into conclusions as the people who do it quickly. The people who do the work quickly will be bigots in the future.

https://janav.wordpress.com/2014/08/21/learning-how-to-learn/ (my dad’s blog on the same topic)

Origami Star Wars

Origami is a Japanese art of folding papers into decorative shapes. I learnt a lot about origami by reading  the books

  1. Star Wars Origami
  2. Art2-D2’s Guide to Folding and Doodling: An Origami Yoda Activity Book

I like to do Star Wars origami, and some of the models I built are given below.

5. Sandcrawler

photo 2

This is fifth because it was way too easy. It was also really slow in the movie. In the movie, the sandcrawler was the transportation for Jawas. They are the creatures that capture droids that do not have an owner and sell them. This was how R2-D2 and C-3PO got sold to Luke and his uncle.

java shooting a droid

One Jawa shooting a droid

4. Darth Paper and Anakin Skyfolder

Darth Vader

Darth Vader

This is fourth because Anakin’s hair looks weird and it take a long time to open his mask. It’s cool that it has two faces, and it only used one piece of paper. The plot of Star Wars is how Anakin finishes his prophecy of destroying the Sith who are the bad guys. Anakin turns into Darth Vader, and had to wear a mask because he fell in lava after battling his former master, Obi-wan Kenobi. He later later destroys the Sith because of his son Luke Skywalker.



Anakin(left) and Vader(right)

Anakin(left) and Vader(right)

3. Boba Fett head

photo 1

I like it because it has really awesome and detailed designs, but it’s just a head. Boba Fett is the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, and his ship is Slave 1. He was the person who gifted Han solo in a box to Jubba the Hutt.

Boba Fett

Boba Fett

4. Origami Yoda

Origami Yoda is the star of the Origami Yoda series. In the movies, Yoda is the Grand Jedi Master of the Jedi. When The clone troopers attack him he escapes. Most of the Jedi died, but Yoda was one of the survivors of the Jedi destruction. After he failed to destroy Darth Sidious, he hid in Dagobah, a planet, until it was the right time to restore the order. This was where he met and trained Luke Skywalker. He died at the age 900.

photo 3



luke skywalker

luke skywalker

Watch the video above if you are interested to make him.

1. Millenium Falcon


Origami version:

photo 1 (1)

This is my favorite because it’s awesome, and It looks cools. In the movie, it’s one of the fastest ships, and the captain is Han Solo.

Han Solo

Han Solo

It all ends with a…

death star!!!!!!!

death star!!!!!!!

May the force be with you!

Periodic Table

What is a periodic table?

A bunch of elements ordered by atomic numbers is called as periodic table. An element is made up of atoms. As we know atoms contains protons, electrons and neutrons.

What is an atomic number?

The first element in the periodic table is Hydrogen. It has a atomic number of 1. What does this mean? It means that the hydrogen atom has 1 proton and 1 electron.

How many elements are there in a periodic table?

There are 118 elements in the periodic table. The first 92 elements are natural. Elements with an atomic number of 93 and above is man made. The picture of the periodic table is given below.


Who came up with the idea of periodic table?

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev


I used The Full Option Science System as a reference.

My first week in 5th grade

I am in fifth grade. My teacher’s name is Mrs. Jiang. I am going to write about three projects I did in the first week.

1. Name Square

All names have patterns. I filled up the letters of my name VIBHU in a 7 * 7 square as shown below. Starting at letter V move 1 step right and 2 step down you will get another V. Keep continuing this way and you will see a staircase pattern.


2. Short Story

I was asked by my teacher to write a narrative. I asked what is it? I found out that a story is also called as a narrative. It was my choice to pick up any narrative. I wrote a fiction narrative about Lego In war. I also drew a picture about the narrative.

3. Name Tag

It was really hard to make. First you have to write your name in bold letters. Make sure they touch. Next, you have to draw squiggly lines. In 3 to 5 of the squiggly lines you have to draw pictures that tell who you are. Color the rest. Shade the parts that is not part of your name. Cut the shaded parts, so all you will see is your name. Lastly, glue it to a pencil or a crayon. Lastly color the pencil or crayon. I drew it by hand and attached the image.


A Great Summer Vacation 2013

I completed my fourth grade in June 2013. I had two months of summer vacation. I enjoyed every moment of it. Of all the great moments here are the six best ones.

Laser Quest

I went to laser quest with six of my friends. The awesome features are the sensors which tells your user name. It was really dark which made the background look cooler. The objective of the game is to shoot the maximum number of people. The guns shoot real lasers. I had tons of fun playing with my friends.


Despicable Me 2

I went to the movie Despicable Me 2 with my parents, brother and my best friend Kanishk. It was an awesome movie. It was really funny because of the minions. My favorite minion part is when the minion firefighters come and destroy a room in Gru’s house. The coolest was the climax when Gru was saving the minions.

My younger brother’s 2nd Birthday

My younger brother’s name is Mukund. He turned two on July 22nd 2013. We celebrated his birthday in our house. Picture of my brother.


Lego Robotics

I went to the Lego robotics summer camp. The camp was for five days for three hours each day. In the camp they taught me to build motorized Legos. I made working gear cars, rack and pinion cars, battle track, and walkers. Gear cars are cars that can’t steer. Rack and pinion cars are cars that can steer. Battle track is were trains battle. Walkers can either steer or not.

Play with friends

For most of my summer vacation I played with my friends. All of my friends live in the same apartment complex. Most of the times we played inside.  During the evenings we played cricket outside. Also I attended lots of birthday parties.

Xbox 360

I played a lot of video games in Xbox 360. The games I played are

  • Sonic Adventure
  • Lego Star Wars
  • Crash Coarse 2
  • Minecraft

I watched a lot of Lego movies movies in Xbox 360. The movies I watched are

  • Lego Star Wars
  • The Padawan Menace
  • The Empire Strikes Out
  • The Phantom clone

I am in fifth grade while typing this blog. I am looking forward for the next summer vacation 2014.

Coolest Inventions of 2012

People make inventions every day to change the world. Here are 3 inventions of 2012 which I found interesting.

Google Glasses

Just by looking up and to the right, a google glass user can take and share photos, videos, chat and also use the internet. The frame contains a computer, a camera, a microphone and sensors. It should be on sale sometime in 2014.


The replicator is a desktop size 3D printer. It can create an actual object or hundreds of copies of it. Just download or create a design and press print. Thin plastic layers melt together to create the object you want.


The techpet app lets you connect an iPhone to the robotic toy dog. The phone’s microphone lets the dog to respond to spoken commands. The camera helps the dog to recognize hand gestures. It is a fun dog to play with.

If you want to read about more inventions go to the website Time For Kids.


Habits are things that we do everyday. Some habits are good and some are bad.

Bad Habits

Eating cookies every day at 3:00 p.m. is one example of bad habit. Why? Eating cookies will result in consuming more calories. If we do not use the extra calories we will get fat. Here is a video which shows us how to avoid this bad habit.

Good Habits

Reading everyday for few hours is a very good habit. Why? It makes us a wise person. Here is an excellent video for learning good habits

It is easy to change habits when you are a kid. It is hard to change a habit as an adult. Hence it is very important form good habits early in life.

Guess the number – II

I am going to teach you a math problem from the book Math Olympiad. Here is the question

Start ? -> Subtract 3 -> Multiply 4 -> Add 8 -> Result 40

What should be the starting number?

I solved it backwards

Result 40 -> Subtract 8 -> Divide 4 -> Add 3 -> Start 11
40 - 8 = 32 /4 = 8 + 3 = 11

So the answer is 11. Let us check the work.

11 - 3 = 8 * 4 = 32 + 8 = 40

For solving tough problems buy the book Math Olympiad